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The LinuxDig.Com Linux Dictionary is currently in Beta.
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Number of Terms : 8142 Number of Definitions : 9135


1. A lightweight themeable window manager for X. Oroborus is a small and simple window manager which does exactly what it says it does, manage windows. There is no fancy doc, clip, wharf, or a root menu for that matter. These utilities can be provided by other programs such as "deskmenu". Oroborus has support for Gnome and session management, or can be run as a stand-alone window manager. This package has also been compiled with Xinerama support. Oroborus is small, about 40Kb at the time of this package. It has full keyboard control and is very themeable. From Debian 3.0r0 APT
Linux Dictionary (version 0.12)
author: Binh Nguyen

This Linux Dictionary is distributed under the GNU
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