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The LinuxDig.Com Linux Dictionary is currently in Beta.
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Number of Terms : 8142 Number of Definitions : 9135


1. a server for an online multiuser virtual world Lambdamoo is a server for a virtual world, a computer program which users can log into and explore. Each user takes control of a computerized persona/avatar/incarnation/character. You can walk around, chat with other people, solve puzzles, and even create your very own rooms, descriptions and items. Advanced users can program Lambdamoo, via its built in object-oriented programming language. Lambdamoo only provides the bare framework for your virtual world. A lambdamoo guru could theoretically start with lambdamoo and the included minimal core database and work their way up to a full-fledged system. The rest of us will want to install the lambdacore or jhcore packages which add objects and functionality to lambdamoo. From Debian 3.0r0 APT
Linux Dictionary (version 0.12)
author: Binh Nguyen

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